Vanessa, I get why she'd give it a try. Doc, I'd give him a pass as well. But you, Tatanga??
Haven't you learned by now,man? A deal with this guy is a circular ponzy scheme.
Vanessa, I get why she'd give it a try. Doc, I'd give him a pass as well. But you, Tatanga??
Haven't you learned by now,man? A deal with this guy is a circular ponzy scheme.
Wah the hell...
I can hear the voices and Fx Effects!
Also he sings them the Mario 64 lullaby every night.
Clay is very technical to use. Those designs are charming and really flow through the armature.
Great works!
She's a beheader for fun and principle.
excellent! love those highfins!
*highfins right back
This is spot on how I'd see an older version of Cornelius Fillmore.
The drawing feels odd/unbalanced.
But I think that's the charm point of it.
+ I love the arms and legs.
I love people who pay attention to the muscle flow on ladies arms.
especially when said lady is a brawler.
7/7 stars an keep up the goodness!
Edit: Well, "unbalanced" in the sense of posing I'd say.
The lower, mid-section and the top give off conflicting action lines.
In a whole it nicely conveys the idea of the boxes being unstable in motion.
Do you think you could name what is making it odd/unbalanced? Like composition-wise, anatomy-wise etc.?
Thank you!! I feel the same!
I really wanna pay attention to that (plus i enjoy drawing sturdy knees 'n legs haha)
Now, I have questions about the Nemesis.
Your work is a very nice blending of fun, edgy and simplistic approach that make it really vibrant.
Keep up the good work!! ^^
My aim is to fill the world with Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice.
Comic Arnimator
Joined on 6/26/19